Lemon Detox Water

Lemon’s natural cleansing abilities rejuvenate the liver. A squeeze of lime juice in a lukewarm glass of water, in the morning, naturally pushes out toxins. Having it first thing in the morning will wake up nerves in the digestive system and liver to encourage good digestion and detoxing.

Every morning of your detox, drink lemon water.

Here’s why: Combining fresh lemon juice with water will thin the bile produced by your body, produces an ideal substance your body will use to cleanse and regenerate your liver. It also promotes peristalsis which is the contraction of bowel muscles that pushes waste along the digestive tract and….OUT of the body to be eliminated!

Also worth noting is that lemon (although considered acidic) actually creates an alkaline environment in the body. It is awesome to give your body a shot of alkalinity first thing in the morning! (More to come on this subject!)Here’s how: Roll a ripe lemon on the counter to get it good and ready for juicing. Cut it in half and use a hand-held squeezer, a press, or a juicing jar. Add the juice of ½ fresh lemon to 16 oz. of warm water. Place the other half of the lemon in a baggie and refrigerate until the next morning if you don’t plan on using it throughout the day.

It is important to use fresh lemon and not the little yellow plastic lemon-looking bottles from the store!

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