Tangy Coleslaw Magic P3

  This recipe was highly recommended from a friend.  I have been eating this for 3 days and have lost 3 lbs.  I am on p4 so I thought I would adjust the original to what worked for me and keep both recipes in the recipe blog.  I am calling this the little magic potion and I…

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The Phases of Protocol Explained!

There are four phases to the Protocol. Phase 1: Phase one is preparing for the diet.  This is a preparatory phase that is very important but many skip.  We recommend at least reading Pounds and Inches and trying one of the detox methods as you await your shipment.  You can use this time to read Pounds and Inches, do…

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Strawberry Sorbet/Pops

Phase 2 recipe Strawberry Sorbet/Pops  Ingredients 4-6 medium strawberries Approximately 3 cubes of ice Any powdered or flavored stevia to taste ½ teaspoon vanilla powder or cocoa (optional) 2 tablespoons lemon juice ¼ cup water Directions Blend ingredients together until smooth. Pour into a dish or Popsicle molds and freeze until firm. Makes 1 serving…

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P2 Cinnamon Chicken

Phase 2 recipe Cinnamon Chicken Ingredients 100 grams of chicken 1 serving Melba toast crumbs ½ cup chicken broth or water ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon Pinch of nutmeg Pinch of cardamom 1/8 teaspoon curry powder Dash of garlic powder Salt and pepper to taste Stevia to taste Directions Mix Melba toast crumbs with ½ of the…

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