Your Antioxidant Search Is Over!

Have you heard all the hype about free radicals and antioxidants and want to know what it even means?resveratrol_test1-741x1024

Maybe you are curious but didn’t care enough to go googling and researching it.

Well, we’re here to make life easier for you, so here it is – in simple terms – just to convey the concept – and that will help explain why antioxidants really are a big deal.

Look at it as a bunch of cells – or molecules or atoms. There are the normal, balanced cells, then there are the ones that had something happen and they have become unbalanced or contain unpaired electrons.

Free radical is defined by Merriam Webster as: an especially reactive atom or group of atoms that has one or more unpaired electrons; especially :  one that is produced in the body by natural biological processes or introduced from an outside source (as tobacco smoke, toxins, or pollutants) and that can damage cells, proteins, and DNA by altering their chemical structure

Free radicals can be formed during normal bodily functions like when cells burn food for energy or even when the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses. In the normal occurrence, free radicals are not extremely dangerous.

However, when our cells are exposed to pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke or manufactured chemicals (to name a few), it creates a larger quantity of free radicals in the body: a surplus of unbalanced cells looking to become balanced by scavenging for electrons. They will actually steal electrons from balanced cells and set off a chain reaction of damage.

If there are no electrons available, or if free radical production is in excess, damage occurs and creates an environment of oxidative stress. A perfect example of this process is the yellowing of a cut apple: apparent cellular breakdown.

~~~Enter antioxidants~~~

These selfless little heroes come in to save the day by donating one of their own electrons and stopping the reaction of the free radical. Antioxidants do not become free radicals themselves since they are stable in all forms and remain out of service until they are recharged or replaced. They clean up free radicals and prevent cell and tissue damage which are evident in disease and aging.

Back to that yellowing apple – when you squeeze lemon juice onto it, it slows down or stops the yellowing process of oxidation. Guess what is in lemon? Vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant.

Antioxidants are available in fresh fruits and veggies and in supplement form. Some popular antioxidants you may have heard of are: vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, resveratrol, and CoQ10.

Resveratrol, specifically, is amazing. Besides its antioxidant actions, it can:coenzyme_larger-748x1024

  • inhibit the spread of cancer, specifically prostate cancer
  • lower blood pressure
  • promote heart and vascular health
  • normalize anti-inflammatory response
  • reduce aging
  • promote normal cell replication.

Arm your body with the antioxidant power it needs today! Eat a healthy diet full of organic, seasonal produce and supplement with the antioxidant tools to fight free radicals!!! Little Choices Matter is happy to offer the following antioxidant supplements: Click the links below and get  yours today!




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