Daily Do’s – A Sample of a Day in Phase 2
Weigh Yourself: Wake up, go potty, weigh yourself, and track it on your tracking sheet. This is EXTREMELY important to your success! Weigh and track everyday! You should measure as frequently as you like and track this, as well, and we recommend at least weekly. We all need to be reminded it’s Pounds and INCHES! Below is a sample of the Simeon’s daily diet plan.
How to Take the Drops:
During load, you will want to let your body adjust to the drops in your system if it is your first round. Load by taking .50 ml 3x a day for the first 2 days and then increase to .75 ml 3-4 x a day. Place the drops under the tongue and hold for 2-3 minutes and swallow. Do not eat or drink anything for 10 minutes before or after. This dose may need to be increased as needed to .75 4x a day. Everyone has a happy dose where they are only hungry around mealtimes so don’t be afraid to adjust it. If you need any help with dosing or have questions please email.
Dr. Simeons states that the first three days are “ineffective” and that you will need to start your weight chart from the 4th day.
“We distinguish between the first three injections (doses), which we call ‘non-effective’ as far as the loss of weight is concerned, and the subsequent injections given while the patient is dieting, which we call “effective”. The average loss of weight is calculated on the number of effective injections and from the weight reached on the day of the third injections (dose) which may be well above what it was two days earlier when the first injection was given.”
Coffee/Tea/Water. 1 tablespoon of milk per day. Use stevia for sweetener. If you need to eat, you can have one of your fruit choices. During the first week, you can even add in some egg whites in the morning. You will experience some cravings the first 4-5 days and the egg whites will help. Adding supplements also will help with cravings. Magnesium, calcium and L-glutamine are recommended.
Only 2 fruit servings are to be eaten in a day but can be spread out throughout the day as snacks.
100 grams (weigh raw) of lean beef, veal, chicken (boneless, skinless breast only), sea bass, flounder, sole, halibut, other fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp.
One vegetable – spinach, chard, beet greens, lettuce of any kind, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions – white, yellow, or red, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, or cabbage.
1 Grissini or Melba Toast
One serving of fruit (orange, apple, 1/2 grapefruit, 10-12 large strawberries or 1.5 cups sliced)
Dinner: same as lunch but always vary your choice of foods to keep a variety.
100 grams (weigh raw) of lean beef, veal, chicken (boneless, skinless breast only), sea bass, flounder, sole, halibut, other fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp.
One vegetable – spinach, chard, beet greens, lettuce of any kind, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions – white, yellow, or red, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, or cabbage.
1 Grissini or Melba Toast
Track Calories: You must track calories and get as close to 500 as possible. This requires more veggies. Choose your two protein sources for the day and fruits and make up the rest of the calories in vegetables. Going under 500 calories causes stalls and hunger issues.
Drink plenty of water and tea throughout the day. You are allowed 1 whole a lemon a day and seasonings of choice. Be sure to read our post on seasonings and teas.