Preparing for the VLCD

Many people have found that cleansing the body helps prepare the body for what is to come ahead. A Candida cleanse helps with sugar cravings and a colon cleanse can begin the process of clearing out the toxins and prevent constipation during the protocol. Also, a detox bath can be helpful. See our article on detox baths.

Take the time to read and know the protocol. Also download and read other helpful information in our downloads section.

Give up Splenda, Aspartame and MSG. They all make you hungry and  fuel addictions.

Make sure your schedule is ready to take on your new diet (i.e. no vacations planned, etc.) and that you start right after TOM (Time of Month)

Spend time planning your meals, shopping for the protocol, and checking out the recipes.

Mentally prepare for this protocol. Think about of how you are going to handle the day-to-day situations – the foods you are going to make and how you will handle your family meals. Get prepared to be committed to this protocol. If you are not, then you will not succeed.


  1. Shawna Culp on March 12, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    this is a sign of immunity. I would do not more than 40 injections and then
    move on to phase 3. Make sure you are getting in all your calories. Read
    the section on immunity in P&I as it only gets worse and you will get lets watch it and see how you are doing. It isn’t PMS time?
    That causes the same symptoms 🙂

    Shawna Culp

  2. Debbie on March 3, 2015 at 11:03 am

    What is a candida cleanse??

    “A Candida cleanse helps with sugar cravings and a colon cleanse can begin the process of clearing out the toxins and prevent constipation during the protocol”

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