Sparkling water on Protocol
Sparkling water can count toward water for the day, but I try not to make a habit of it. It’s okay to do occasionally, but not as an everyday drink, especially on protocol. Carbonation is created by pumping carbon dioxide into water. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a waste product of cellular and food metabolism, as such the body wants to expel it. So drinking carbonated drinks will actually add a waste product to your body. Carbonated beverages are also known to weaken our stomach acid, which interferes with proper digestion.
If you really need/want to drink sparkling water, make it the Perrier brand. This brand has naturally occurring CO2 in it, as opposed to other sparkling waters which have synthetic CO2 added to them.
As always, watch for added ingredients that should be avoided – sugar or artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, etc. Some brand even have added salt, which can cause water gains/bloating.
Just wanted to know if those natural hydrogen peroxide in your drink… I would think that coconut and pineapple would be to get drinks that you can put together like a pina colada…natural..coconut & PINE APPLE …. Are even pomegranate And blueberry Is pomegranate and pineapple are blueberry with the coconut Whichever taste better I would imagine blueberry probably be good.
Is Glaceau Vitiman Water Free allowed? its organic and sweetened with stevia. zeri calories. I am addicted to their lemon flavor
Sorry my email address was wrong…
Is Glaceau Vitamin Water Free allowed? its organic and sweetened with stevia. zero calories. I am addicted to their lemon flavor
I would need to see the label if you can email it over but it sounds okay
Anyone familiar with Kyvita probiotic drinks? Refreshing and naturally carbonated. On day 3 of phase 2 I had major diahrea ( I assume from too much load food / dairy/ fat… I knew I could use some probiotics and it helped my stomach. It contains 10 calories in whole bottle, 2 grams sugar, 2 carbs. I would love to work this beverage into protocol as it tastes sweet, carbonated and has probiotics. You think I would have to ditch the Melba toast ? Thanks !
We would need to see the ingredients list and figure out why it has sugar. There are some probiotics that are okay for protocol but we need to be careful. Send a copy of the label to email or on the Facebook group
I pretty much only drink La Croix and Perrier. The La Croix only lists water and “Natural flavorings” Do you think that it would be ok to have one or two of those daily on P2. Also, I have a soda maker that I use and add lemon to. Are your thoughts the same with that? Do you think that is too much carbon dioxide waste I am taking in? I am very glad I read this article here about your take on the carbonated water being a waste product because I have a genetic methylation (detox) issue and none of the docs have every mentioned that- so I have really made a switch the past year since reading this. Wondering if I should work toward eliminating altogether during protocol?
removal is always the best option but an occasional La Croix would be okay as long as you get in your other water for the day
During the day I only drink water. But at home I have a Soda Stream and use regular tab water for that. Would it be ok if I drank about one Liter of the Soda Stream Water in the evening?
1 liter might be too much carbonation. Test and see your tolerance to it.