Strawberry Slush for a Hot Summer Day

This is a great diet friendly treat to have on a hot summer day…

To create this tasty treat, you’ll want to grab:

-A handful of strawberries
-4 cups of ice
-Desired amount of Vanilla Stevia

Throw all of these ingredients into a blender and mix it until the ice is good and crushed. You can decide if you need more Vanilla Stevia after you taste it. (I like to use just a little bit and it does foam some, so add a little at a time).



  1. Donnabunij on August 2, 2010 at 12:20 am

    Yummmmm just had one for desert tonight. Very refreshing. I also put a little bit of lemon to give it a little zing.

  2. Dbarbour1 on July 4, 2011 at 3:40 am

    UUmm can i drink this on phase 3?

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