P2 Celery Soup
4-5 stalks celery, chopped, including leaves
2-3 tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup onions, chopped
2 Tbsp MCT oil
2 – 3 C. vegetable broth
Spices to taste
Braggs Liquid Aminos
Sea Salt & Pepper
Cayenne pepper (optional)
Cook onions in a heated fry pan with coconut oil until translucent. Add garlic and cook a few minutes longer, stirring as needed. In a larger pot, cook celery in broth until tender. Add seasonings to taste and simmer on medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
***NOTE*** In this recipe, the tomato is counted as a fruit because technically it is a fruit. MCT oil is a very healthy oil and does not store as fat and therefore a good choice on P2 or P3. Read more on MCT oil here.
Can you explain why there are such a variety of ingredients in this P2 recipe? I believed that you were only allowed one vegetable at a meal?
In this recipe the Tomato is a fruit
And the oil? The tomatoe is listed in Pounds and Inches as a vegtable. Also no oil is allowed? I am confused…
You can use tomato as a fruit or veggie in p2. MCT oil is not an oil it is a medium chain triglyceride. Here is a section explaining mct and coconut oil in p2 http://miracleskinnydrops.com/coconut-oil-and-mct-oil/
How many servings is this? What is the calorie count?
I have been fighting a cold…. THis hit the spot!
making now for lunch tomorrow! thanks
I didn’t think you could mix veggies in phase 2. is that correct? This soup really looks good. Please let me know if I can eat this the VLCD. Thanks
What is Braggs Liquid Aminos?
This soup is so good!!!!
Is this one serving?
one vegetable yes