Carol, I just love your vlogs they are part of my work routine . I work at a pregnancy home for pregant and parenting teens. I was in the cook position the last 4 yrs. I love to cook and have a flare for it , so I have lots of tips and ideas for different meals and snacks. Presently I am in a new position as primary care counsellor in the overnights working with new borns and mommies. I do love my job . What is great in this position I have time to enjoy your vlogs and keep up on all that you and Shawna bring to us that are on MSD. You all have changed my life and testimony and I send you a big THANK YOU!
Blessings to you,
Thanks for watching 😉 I always wanted to help pregnant teens. I just love babies and I think these teens need so much love and help, so thank you for helping them! Making them healthy food will give them more balance in life 🙂
Hi Carol, I just watched your vlog and I want to say I just am so happy to have found this website and the facebook pages. They have been a huge support as well as an inspiration. I am currently in Phase 3 and have stabilized and what I would like to know is what you eat now that you are on P4. I have watched your other vlogs about your favourite things and sadly a lot of your favourite things we can’t get here in Australia. Did you know that I have tried at every butcher and deli and grocery store to find SF bacon and it just doesn’t exist here. Shop keepers are so surprised that I ask for it. We only get 2 sorts of stevia – liquid and powdered. I have found Ezekiel bread but all the other breads you have there like the wraps, we don’t have. Anyway, I am just wondering where I go from here. Will I always need to keep up this amount of protein? I am able to have some carbs without it affecting me but it will be on special occasions only. Any tips I will be so grateful for. Thanks for all that you and the rest of the team do – sharing your knowledge and giving support. So appreciate it.
(PS)My husband and I only watch one show together and that is Modern Family – just love it.
Carol, I just love your vlogs they are part of my work routine . I work at a pregnancy home for pregant and parenting teens. I was in the cook position the last 4 yrs. I love to cook and have a flare for it , so I have lots of tips and ideas for different meals and snacks. Presently I am in a new position as primary care counsellor in the overnights working with new borns and mommies. I do love my job . What is great in this position I have time to enjoy your vlogs and keep up on all that you and Shawna bring to us that are on MSD. You all have changed my life and testimony and I send you a big THANK YOU!
Blessings to you,
Thanks for watching 😉 I always wanted to help pregnant teens. I just love babies and I think these teens need so much love and help, so thank you for helping them! Making them healthy food will give them more balance in life 🙂
Hi Carol,
Thanks for reminding me I have Dr. Millers holy tea in my pantry. I’ll go make some. It was nice having tea time with you this morning 😉
Let’s do it again soon 🙂 It was such an easy vlog to do lol
Hi Carol, I just watched your vlog and I want to say I just am so happy to have found this website and the facebook pages. They have been a huge support as well as an inspiration. I am currently in Phase 3 and have stabilized and what I would like to know is what you eat now that you are on P4. I have watched your other vlogs about your favourite things and sadly a lot of your favourite things we can’t get here in Australia. Did you know that I have tried at every butcher and deli and grocery store to find SF bacon and it just doesn’t exist here. Shop keepers are so surprised that I ask for it. We only get 2 sorts of stevia – liquid and powdered. I have found Ezekiel bread but all the other breads you have there like the wraps, we don’t have. Anyway, I am just wondering where I go from here. Will I always need to keep up this amount of protein? I am able to have some carbs without it affecting me but it will be on special occasions only. Any tips I will be so grateful for. Thanks for all that you and the rest of the team do – sharing your knowledge and giving support. So appreciate it.
(PS)My husband and I only watch one show together and that is Modern Family – just love it.