Daily Diet – Keep on track to prevent stalls!
We strongly recommend that you track your food daily, especially when you are new to the protocol and learning about your calorie intake. Use an online calorie counter such as http://fitday.com or http://www.thedailyplate.com/ Keep in mind that the food you purchase in the stores may not be on these sites, so you may have to do custom foods.
Get as close to 500 calories as you can. Some say that you don’t need to eat everything on the list, just get your protein in, however, this is not necessarily true. Eating less does not mean that you will lose more, in fact many report that when they eat less they don’t lose. (See video below) Always keep in mind that Simeons has these food items in the protocol for a reason. If you find you are hungry then you can eat as many vegetables as you like as long as you stay under the 500 calories. Just remember to make sure you are keeping a good balance of food and water. Fitday.com has a wheel that you can easily view your levels. And check your ketone levels – a low level may mean you are getting too much protein and not enough of the other foods.
Drink water, but don’t drink too much – when too much water enters the body’s cells, the tissues swell with the excess fluid. Dr. Simeons talks about water intake. “In fact the patient should drink about 2 liters of these fluids per day. Many patients are afraid to drink so much because they fear that this may make them retain more water. This is a wrong notion as the body is more inclined to store water when the intake falls below its normal requirements.” (Simeons, Pounds & Inches, pg. 23)
Also note that Chocolate Delight, Chocolate Bark or other treats made with Coconut Oil and/or Macadamia nuts do not have to be counted and are not in this fitday.com sample.
Oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much for this information. I have been stalled for over 5 days and this is even after an apple day! I however, took the advice of the person I bought the drops from and took the E3 Live (blue/green algae) and it is the number source of protein on the planet. So, after knowing that I only had my 6 apples and my ketones being so low, I figure the protein the algae was too much. Thank you and good luck.
Thanks, no we do not recommend anything off Protocol. The only foods not mentioned in Pounds & Inches we use are Coconut oil, Chocolate Bark and Macadamia Nuts which all increase Ketones. Try the Apple Cider Vinegar dressing it is delicious.
Hi Shawna, I am just getting started on load days. After and when I am on my 500 calerie diet are you saying I can have Coconut oil, Chocolate Bark and Macadamia nuts and still be on track?
Hi Shawna, I am just getting started on load days. After and when I am on my 500 calerie diet are you saying I can have Coconut oil, Chocolate Bark and Macadamia nuts and still be on track?
How much can/should you consume of the coconut oil / chocolate delight and Macadamia nuts?
2-4 Tbsp of the coconut oil a day is fine. So you can mix up your treat with that amount and eat it all day. I suggest eating a little bit all day long. Mac nuts are for stalls, so I would not have them if you really don’t need them. If you do eat them, eat about 12 – 15.
I am on round 3 P2, VLD day11, total weight loss 53 pounds, just 13 to go. Good luck to you all!