Nuts and Seeds
Question of the Week? What kind of Seeds and Nuts for Phase 3?
This weeks VLOG Carol addresses all the benefits of adding nuts and seeds to your daily diet. When and how much is the key to getting optimal results without effecting the scale.
Both seeds and nuts are rich in nutrients and should be part of our diets. (Not intended for P2) They are very rich in minerals, fiber, and essential vitamins. Both nuts and seeds contain Lecithin, which aids in cleaning the liver (our best detoxing and fat burning organ), and it intervenes with the body’s ability to form fat deposits. They are also very helpful in improving your mood.
Raw almonds have been found to have a significant on lowering cholesterol and heart disease, and fighting many cancers. Almonds contain potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin E.
Raw hazelnuts contain vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. These vitamins and minerals are in different ratios in the hazelnuts than they are in almonds, but you still get some of the same nutrients. Hazelnuts can also help lower cholesterol levels.
Raw walnuts are a rich source of Omega 3’s and contain uridine. Uridine influences levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine—two important brain chemicals that been known to correct mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disease. I always eat walnuts when I am detoxing. They contain Arginine which is an amino acid that helps detoxify the liver.
Raw macadamia nuts provide a wide range of beneficial compounds. They are a high energy food and contain no cholesterol. They contain an abundant amount of monounsaturated fats and are low in sodium. Macadamia nuts have been known to raise ketones which helps aid in weight loss.
Click here for more information about consuming raw nuts.
Flax seeds are an excellent source of omega 3’s as well as fiber. You can eat them either whole or ground. The oil within the flax seeds are so tight within the coating that it makes it good for baking as it can withstand higher temperatures. When adding them to recipes, you are adding a lot of nutrition and fiber! Another way is to grind them as the seed coating is so very hard that it will pass right through you without giving you the full healthy benefits they provide. This is recommended especially if you are not baking or cooking with them. Grind them yourself or purchase them ground – Ground Flax Seeds or Flax Seed Meal.
Sesame seeds are not only a great source of fiber, they also are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, Vitamin B1, and zinc. In addition, seeds carry sesamin and sesamolin which are part of the beneficial fibers called lignans and have been known to reduce cholesterol levels.
Pepitas (Pumpkin Seeds) are rich in zinc which is an important mineral and is said to help prevent cancer. It also helps lower cholesterol and acts as an anti-inflammatory for those who have Arthritis.
We highly recommend seeds as part of our daily diet, especially when detoxing. They also contain Arginine which is an amino acid that helps detoxify the liver.
Here is my guide for consuming these beneficial foods on a daily basis.
This is MY food guide which I found works for me. I have shared this with many others who also say this is a good guide. But ever body is different so you need to find the amount your body can have. There are days where I have a few more seeds because I’ll add it to my salads, so look at this guide as a general rule when choosing your daily beneficial oils and fats. (Carol)
I usually have 1 serving of seeds and 1 serving of nuts per day. A typical plan for me is 1 Tbsp ground flax seeds, 1 oz of nuts. Get out your handy scale or eyeball about ¼ cup. 20-25 almonds= 1 oz. 12-14 walnuts = 1 oz. I also a little sprinkle sesame seeds on my salads. Then I figure out what else I want to consume and follow my guide. Some days it is ½ of an avocado, and other days it is Olive oil (save for when I dine out) or butter/peanut butter, etc. I don’t really consume a lot of the oils on my list as I mainly use coconut oil and MCT oil which fall in a different category.
Try These Tasty Recipes:
Healthy Granola- (Click Here)
Healthy Trail Mix- (Click Here)
Quick question……trying to make almond or cashew butter want to know if there are some simple ways. I don’t have anything special to use but a bullet and a small grinder. Can it be just made using either it a tad of salt and coconut oil in the cuisinart mini prep…. Thanks
email and she can give you some tips