Steak Day on phase 3
If you are in Phase 3 or Phase 4 and you go over the 2 lb mark of you LIW, you must do a steak day that very day. The steak day is more effective when done the day you see the gain. Of course this rule applies only to the morning weight. You should never check your weight during the day, as there may be wide fluctuations and these are merely too alarming and confusing.
Steak Day Instructions:
It requires abstaining from all food until the evening meal. You may drink water, tea, and coffee anytime and in whatever quantity you desire, but you do not eat anything until dinner. In the evening eat a huge steak with only an apple or a raw tomato. You can have butter and any other fat with your meal on this day.
Doing a steak day on the day in which a gain is registered, the next morning brings about an immediate drop of often over a pound.
Can you do a Steak (or alternative correction day) two days in a row?
yes you can several have done it with success.
Can I substitute chicken instead of steak for a steak day? I am going to try because I don't have any steak but I have lots of chicken. I did an apple and cheese day the day before yesterday and that brought me down barely enough to eat regularly yesterday… I ate extra protein and even had a protein shake. I thought I did great… but today I'm above the allowed 2lbs again. I am so devastated. I feel so hopeless on phase 3.
I was really hoping someone would reply to your question about substituting chicken for stake as I had the same issue. Anyway I went a head and substituted chicken and it worked perfectly. I lost 2lbs. Yeah. Thanks Rachel.
Sorry ladies sometimes I do not get the notifications in email and comments are missed, anytime you add to or move around proteins it is called a high protein correction day which can be very effective as well 🙂
Shawna Culp
“The power of smart choices”
Yes u can just use at least 12 oz of chicken breast
[…] STEAK DAY: […]
OK, I’m confused on the above. This is very different than what Pounds and Inches says about a Steak Day. Simeons says, ” two eggs in AM, steak for lunch, and then steak for dinner followed by cheese”. However, the steak day above seems to be what everyone else says to do.
Has anyone tried both and compared? I’m trying to stave off gaining. I have gained 3lbs in the last week. Thanks for the help!
Was this ever answered?
further down in the feed this question is addressed “there are two different sections of P&I- for the steak day it is fast all day with these instructions for the steak day correction day. This is a direct reference to steak day instructions” The Steak and Cheese day is for water retention caused from protein deficiency”
Can you drink Tea with cream all day long on a steak day? I have to do a steak day tomorrow 🙁
I personally would not have cream, only tea. If you really need something in your tea, maybe try some coconut milk or just do a little – 1 Tbsp spread throughout the day. But I think you will have a better result just sticking to protocol.
I did a steak day today. This is my second round of p3 the first time I never had to do a correction day. I have been on p3 for a week now and today I was over my 2 pounds by a pound : ( I did the steak day I had coffee with heavy whipping cream today. I hope I did not mess up by doing this. I thought some where I read you could have it but now I am questioning that now any advice on the heavy whip? Thanks for your help.
A little bit of heavy cream will not sabotage your losses. I believe real heavy cream is good for us, a good fat our bodies need. Hope you had a good loss 🙂
is it ok to do a steak day on P2? ive hit a plateau i can’t correct. I already tried an apple day and lost some weight, but gained it back the next day.
Hi Chelsea it is not recommended. I would rather go over your menus and see if I can help send me an email
Shawna Culp
Hi Chelsea it is not recommended. I would rather go over your menus and see if I can help send me an email
Shawna Culp
Can you do two apple days in a row? I had two cheat days in a row and need to get back in it. I already did one apple day, now thinking about a second but I just don’t want to mes it up. Please advise! Thanks!
no back to back apple days are not recommended. There are no correction
days for p2. You need to get back on track and it will come off
Shawna Culp
Media Producer
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What size is a ‘huge’ steak??
usually 10-16 oz is the popular sizes
I am post phase 3 by 3 weeks was away on conference and gained 6 pounds over my last day of phase 2 weight. I have been able to get back to my phase 2 weight but was wondering if I were to gain +2 again would a steak day work in the future?
How were you able to lose the 6 lbs. I am 3-4 lbs and i’ve been trying to alternate steak days with high protein days and really struggling.
Would avocado count as a faT? I got a Angus Ribeye 13 oz steak its a select or higher cut would that be okay?
yes avocado is an excellent healthy fat. Ribeye is perfect for steak day 🙂
Would I still lose the weight if I just ate an apple and salmon instead of a steak?
Every body is different so it’s hard to say for sure but you will lose. The important thing is that you get a large piece of protein in and eat as much as you can without over eating.
I am on my phase 3 and am over my 2 lb gain since my last dose weight. I am doing a steak day today, but am having trouble finding info on the steak. I see here 10-16 ozs. Should it be a lean steak? Should I trim the fat or leave it on? What about the above poster’s comment of Doctor Simeons 2egg breakfast, steak lunch and steak dinner? Nobody replied to that? This is important for me to do right because I do not want to regain my weight. I have lost 42 lbs during the first round and want to remain that way. Please help!
Thanks in advance for all replies.
Vern at 195 lbs.
Steak has no specific size listed just a large steak
But what about P and I where it says to have two eggs at breakfast and a steak for lunch AND dinner? Im confused… I thought you were very strict to follow the protocol? I need to do a steak day today and need the correct information to follow…leaving for work shortly and need to know, do i eat eggs and then pack steak for lunch or wait until dinner??? Please help
Tara you are talking about two different sections of P&I- for the steak day it is fast all day with these instructions for the steak day correction day. This is a direct reference to steak day instructions
I’m doing a steak day to day done it in the past.And it works like a charm. I love this diet it has changed my life…
Hi Shauna, I was wanting to know if a person who is on antidepressants can use MSD?
Christy email me and lets discuss this further.
How many ounces is steak can I have Ina steak day???
there is no set amount.. it is just a large steak. Once full stop
I was wondering is vodka allowed while on phase 2
no sorry- no alcohol during phase 2