Easy Pizza Recipe
Phase 3 recipe
Easy Pizza
Sauce 1(8 oz) can tomato sauce 1 garlic clove, crushed
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp basil
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 cup onion, diced
Topping Ideas
Pepperoni (I use Turkey Pepperoni)
Mozzarella, Romano, Monterey Jack, Parmesan, etc.
Mix sauce ingredients together and spread on Wasa Crackers. You can make single servings or line a 9 x 13 dish with crackers. If you like a little crunch keep sauce off edges. Add toppings of choice and top with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes until heated throughly and cheese is melted.
sounds like a great pizza substitute for diabetics. thanks…..
sounds like a great pizza substitute for diabetics. thanks…..
I don’t understand… Wasa Crackers are starch right?
*Wasa is a whole grain like melba toast you can find out more here at their
website. *http://www.wasa-usa.com/health-foods.aspx
I’m confused by the moderator’s response… According to the Food and Drug Administration, “whole grain” is considered a starch. Given that, it is not allowed on P3, correct? Any feedback on this would be great! Thanks!
I think it’s important to have some – in moderation of course. If we remove it completely then our bodies will go into shock when we do add it back in. With that said, it’s important that you focus more on adding fruits and vegetables, and less on wheat and dairy. A little every day or two is okay given you had the grissini and dairy in P2. If you are going to have it, then make sure it’s a whole grain. nothing refined … like Wonderbread which was very popular when Dr. S did his plan. And his work/book focused more on P2 and not P3 so we’ve had to take it and work with the options of today’s foods.
Thanks so much for the explanation, Carol! I’ve intuitively felt that exactly and I appreciate your confirmation. I was afraid of making meatballs with melba toast on P3, but now I will forge ahead fearlessly. Of course, I will pay heed to your words and focus more on the veggies and fruit, but not be so afraid of whole grain items.
What kind of Wasa Crackers can we use for P3? Whole grain? Thank you.
yes- actually send over the ingredients and let us check them before using. Typically you will see flour, water and salt -minimal ingredients is key and no hidden sugars