Benefits of Coconut Oil
Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil. Use this as your fat of choice in cooking. Take two teaspoons per day to stimulate metabolism, improve digestion, and release fat cells.
Useful for everything from hair conditioner to cooking, Coconut Oil is one of the few products permitted and recommended for dieters.
Benefits of Coconut Oil include promoting healthy thyroid function while reducing sugar cravings. Coconut Oil is a Medium Chain Fatty Acid, or ”GOOD FAT” that breaks down quickly, increasing metabolic rate and promoting natural weight loss. Coconut Oil also helps support a healthy immune system and digestion, helps to promote supple skin and healthy hair.
Use: Coconut oil is great for baking, cooking, sauteing, or in your favorite health shake. Also, amazing as a beauty product- for hair and body. Great supplement for butter. Adults may safely consume 1-4 tablespoons per day.
Nutrition value of Coconut Oil: Low in calories, low in fat, and nutritious, while providing the body with an energy source instead of carbohydrates. Typical stats for 16 oz. inclues: Calories (123 -), Protein, Total Fat (13.97 g), coconut oil (14 g) Coconut Oil Diet ”Gourmet Style” (Raw Organic) by Health Support.
I am a huge believer in Coconut products, including the oil. I believe that Dr. Simeons didn’t know the real health benefits to this product because I am sure that he would of tried it on protocol. You can surely do the protocol without, although those who add it in have higher losses. So, read up on it as much as you can and then make your call. At the end of the day, you need to do what you feel comfortable doing and what works for you and your body. happy releases 🙂
Hi Carol…just wondering if we count the coconut oil calories in p3?
I do not see a reply to this, do you count to coconut oil calories in P2?
No counting calories for co
No counting calories for co
While taking drops and eating 500 calories i can use coconut oil in vegetables and on skin??
2T a day yes
Shawna Culp
“The power of smart choices”
Which kind of coconut oil is best to use while on the P2…..
extra virgin unrefined
like this one
Can in have chicken broth on phase 2? if so how much daily?