Little Choices Everyday
Tea can assist your body in detoxification!
Adding green or black tea to your daily regimen can assist your body in the detoxification process and essentially, help boost your immune system! Besides being a tasty alternative to plain water while detoxing, green tea is loaded with antioxidants that have been found to scavenge free radicals – or cells that have been set…
How a bath can help detoxification & weight loss!
Need to relax? A great way to help while detoxing is try a detox bath! A detox bath isn’t as complicated as it might sound. In fact, you most likely have the ingredient in your home already. Detox Bath Recipe: 2 c. baking soda (I buy the big bag at Costco) 1 c. of Epsom…
Detoxing with this Smoothie
Kale is one of the most nutritious cruciferous vegetables loaded with fiber and low in calories. Kale has a definite role to play in support of the body’s detoxification processes. It’s also a great anti-inflammatory and aids in the body’s detoxification process. If you love Granny Smith Apples and their tartness, then this smoothie is…
Red bell peppers assist in the elimination of toxins!
Bell peppers are good sources of Vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins, as well as the minerals potassium and magnesium. They are also an excellent source of over 30 different carotenoids—a class of powerful phytonutrients that ward off a host of degenerative diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and macular degeneration. The…
Sleep for Body and Brain Detoxification
We all know that when we don’t get enough sleep, we usually feel tired and irritable the next day, and that having a good night’s sleep makes us feel better. That is partly because sleep reduces stress. Our bodies produce less stress hormones while sleeping. All hormones and chemicals that govern our body are affected…
Morning Coffee and Detoxing
Need your morning coffee? You’re not alone. For some of us, it is a habit or part of our day. For others, it is pretty much a way of life. What would a morning be without my warm savory coffee? Some detox plans will tell you to completely remove all forms of caffeine in an…
Adding these foods can help you detox your body.
Sulfur is a naturally-occurring compound found in many foods like protein foods, cruciferous vegetables, eggs, onions and garlic. Sulfur is one of the main components of detoxification within the body and being deficient in sulfur can negatively impact our body’s ability to process and remove harmful chemicals. Here’s why: sulfur is needed to produce glutathione,…
Do a Mental Detox!
We have spent years sharing tips about how to physically detox our bodies, but we need to consider that we may be mentally toxic, too. Start a gratitude journal and write down some things you are thankful for every day. You can grab a mason jar and fill out little pieces of paper for thankful notes…
Greens are GRRREAT!
The more greens you eat, the more weight you will lose! Green vegetables are chock full of magnesium which is an essential mineral and key nutrient that your liver needs to manufacture enzymes for toxin breakdown. Greens are also extremely high in chlorophyll which is a phytonutrient that literally sucks up environmental toxins from the…
Citrus for Cleansing
We already discussed how much your liver loves lemons and the daily dose of lemon water, but we can’t ignore the other citrus fruits as they are beneficial for your body, too. The category of citrus fruits consists of lemons, limes, oranges & grapefruit. They are a rich source of vitamin C – the ultimate cleansing…
Apple Cider Detox Drink for detoxing and weight loss!
Apple Cider Vinegar improves digestion and adds soluble fiber, which assists in the reduction of excess weight. It can also help eat up the starches when you eat grains and helps block the absorption of calories. There are a number of flavored variations on the market but make sure you check the ingredient list and…