Little Choices Everyday
Sesame Ginger Chicken Stirfry
Phase 3 Chicken cut to fajita strips 8oz 1/2 Cup Chopped Onion 2 Cups Chopped Celery 2tbs Braggs Ginger & Sesame Dressing 2 Sprays of Braggs Amino Acids Melt 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a pan and add in chicken celery and onion. Add in the dressing and braggs aminos. You can add salt,…
P3 Avocado Dressing
Avocados are loaded with nutrients. 1 avocado has about 15 grams of fiber! They are also a very good source of healthy monounsaturated fat! 1 can coconut milk 3 avocados, ripe, pitted and removed from shell 2 Tbsp. lime juice 1/2 c. cilantro, chopped fine 3 garlic cloves, minced 1/8 tsp. ground pepper Add a…
Healthy Tuna Salad
A good recipe to get in healthy omega three essential fatty acids. Phase 3-4 1 can White Albacore Tuna (in water) 1/2 celery stalk, chopped 1/8 c. onion – I did mixture of red and green onion 1/8 c. chopped raw walnuts 1 Tbsp. chopped banana pepper or pickle (optional) 1/8 tsp. curry powder 1/8 tsp.…
Hidden Sugars in Melba Toast?
Become a Label Detective: Melba toast may contain dextrose and/or maltodextrin. These are both on the hidden sugar list. Your ingredients should be flour, water and salt. Many are stalling or gaining when using this product. I recommend making your own grissini or buying it locally and completely avoiding Melba Toast. Some stevia brands also…
What Supplements Should You be Taking?
Questions of the Week #3 In Today’s Vlog Carol will share what supplements you should be taking for long term health. According to P&I your fat stores will provide the vitamins you need in phase 2. If you feel more comfortable taking vitamins during phase 2, the recommendations from Dr. Simeons are Vitamin D(not in…
Choose This Coconut Oil!
Choose Wisely #2 The miraculous health benefits that coconut oil has is becoming more known but it can only be obtained by consuming a high quality cold pressed unrefined virgin coconut oil. We believe that coconut oil can boost energy, while decreasing cravings for carbohydrates and sweets. It is also known to stimulate metabolism, improve…
P3 Healthy Corn Chips
Phase 3 If you are past week one of phase three and would like to have Chips and homemade salsa. Try this tasty recipe. Healthy Corn Chips Ezekiel Sprouted Corn Tortillas Coconut Oil, melted Sea Salt Brush tortillas with coconut oil. Cut tortillas into triangles, place on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with sea salt.…
What am I Doing Wrong?
Question of the Week with Carol: Keeping a Food Journal is Essential to your success! What am I doing wrong? Carol discusses the need to keep a thorough food journal throughout phase 2 and 3. This is important because if you experience of gaining or stalling, we can quickly help you identify what changes need…
Eat this Greek Yogurt
Choose Wisely #1 This will be a version of choose this and not that. We want you to make wise choices at the grocery store which can be somewhat confusing. The Greek Yogurt industry has exploded and is becoming mainstream in all the grocery stores. However, there is good Greek Yogurt and bad. This new…
Homemade Taco Seasoning
Taco Seasoning Mix 4 Tbsp chili powder 1 tsp. onion powder 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 tsp. oregano 1 tsp. ground garlic 2 tsp. paprika 2 Tbsp cumin 1-2 tsp ground sea salt 4 tsp. coriander 1/2 tsp. dried cilantro Mix and store in airtight container.
Healthy Choice Granola
Phase 3 Staibilized I used to love granola for breakfast and then I learned how much sugar was in granola and I stopped eating it. And here I thought it was a healthy choice! But now I can have it again! With the right ingredients and the proper preparation, granola is healthy. I purchase all…
Don't cook at high temps!
Carol’s Quick Tips #42 I often suggest that you do not use canola oil. Why? In order for this oil to be on the shelf, the manufacturers put it through a process using very high heat. This process takes any healthy fat molecules and turns them into harmful free radicals. Coconut oil and palm oil…