Little Choices Everyday
Eating Clean Vlog
How do you know if you should eat clean or do a correction day? Fairly often we tell individuals who struggle with a gain to “eat clean,” but few people understand what we are talking about, so I wanted to do a quick review of when and when not to do a correction day. Absolutely…
Quinoa Spanish Rice
Spanish “Rice” (stabilized P3 – P4) 1 cup quinoa, soaked for 15 minutes and drained 1 Tbsp coconut oil 1/2 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves 1 1/2 C. organic chicken broth 1 tsp ground cumin 1/2 C. green and red peppers, chopped 1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce 1 (4 oz) can chili peppers 1/2…
Eliminate the Bloat!
There are many causes of water retention and bloating. Here are some tips to try and identify what will work to help you eliminate the bloat and get a true weight reading on the Diet. Psyllium-is an herbal supplement that acts as a natural laxative. Psyllium Husk comes in powder and capsules but some find…
Menstrual Cycles and Your Weight
Your menstrual cycle can effect your weight. T.O.M. causes our bodies retain water around this “time of the month” (commonly referred to as TOM). The symptoms typically get worse in a woman’s late 30s and 40s as she approaches the transition to menopause. The weight will leave a few days into your period or right…
Freshen Up Your Water with Cucumber
Cucumber water is commonly offered at spas for its refreshing taste. Cucumber works to set your body temperature at a healthy level which makes it an excellent choice for those hot summer days. The benefits of cucumbers also include regulating blood pressure, acting as a natural diuretic, promoting hair growth, and helping to reduce water…
Yerba Mate is our Tea of the Week!
Carol’s Quick Tips #41 Yerba Maté tea contains a wealth of health benefits that surpasses even green tea. I’m drinking a cup right now – it is my morning tea everyday! Yerba Maté delivers both energy and nutrition! It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and helps stimulate focus and clarity as well as boosts…
Monday Morning Dieting Blues
We set out with great intentions to resist the party foods, but what happens if we cheat when we are on the VLCD? Get back on track as soon as possible. You will be able to correct it if you do not let it get out of control. The diet takes discipline, determination, and careful…
Getting Your Family to Eat Healthier
I am moving my household to an organic, processed free zone! I have been gradually adding in healthy foods and tossed out the foods with hidden sugars and other faults. One issue though is that my family is conditioned to like certain foods, especially quick and easy snacks, and they are starting to notice there…
Turmeric is one of nature's most powerful healers.
We have used this spice in a few recipes lately and then I saw on Dr. Oz how important it is for our health. I found this article on Health Diaries that discusses the benefits. Turmeric is one of nature’s most powerful healers. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Tumeric has been used for…
Cauliflower, Are you Eating it?
Adding Cauliflower to your daily diet is one of the best veggies. While often overlooked, it has amazing health benefits. Health Benefits- (Article by Whole Foods) While cauliflower is not a well-studied cruciferous vegetable from a health standpoint, you will find several dozen studies linking cauliflower-containing diets to cancer prevention, particularly with respect to the…
P3 Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup
Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup for Phase 3 1 Tbs Coconut oil 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 medium onion, diced 1 lb broccoli florets 1 lb cauliflower florets 1 1/2 tsp curry powder 1/8 tsp. Turmeric 1/8 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 4 cups vegetable broth 2 cups Greek yogurt In a large…
Phase 4 Guide
How to Take it off and Keep it off in Phase 4! Entering Phase 4 can be exciting, but it also comes with certain reservations. We have finally met our weight loss goal and do not want to experience the heartache of gaining it all back. Phase 2 and 3 are significant, but they only…