Little Choices Everyday
Health Benefits to Drinking Lemon Water
Having a warm (room temperature or slightly warmer) glass of lemon water upon rising is good for detoxing the liver. The liver can make more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element. Be careful not to have the water too hot. Too much heat will destroy the vitamin C in the lemon juice.…
Choose Wisely – Cereal
Choose Wisely #18- Cereal Choices Most nutritionists agree that breakfast is important. In a 2005 study, women who didn’t eat breakfast took in an average 100 calories per day which equals out to about 10 pounds per year. They also had a 10% increase in insulin, 9% increase in cholesterol and 17% increase in LDL…
MSM Rejuvenator Cream
The best ingredients for our skin come from nature. We come into contact with so many man-made toxins every day, that the best way to heal ourselves is by learning from plants that have a natural immunity to aging processes. MSM Rejuvenator With Topical Ester C contains a therapeutic blend of ingredients that rejuvenate the…
Healthy Fats and Omega-3s
Question of the Week- What is the Health Benefit of Omega-3s-Flaxseed? FAT IS A HEALTHY CHOICE!! Good fat that is! Fat is so essential for our bodies to function properly. It insulates our organs and helps rebuild membranes and the trillions of cells in our body. Our bodies need saturated fats in order to properly…
The LCM Book Club – You: On a Diet
We are quickly approaching our second month of the LCM Book Club. For August we’ve chosen You: On a Diet, by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen. To join our book club on Facebook click here. This book is available in the Marketplace under the Reading category and is offered in both hard copy and…
Coconut Milk
Choose Wisely #17 – Coconut Milk There are so many outstanding coconut products on the market, and if you choose wisely you can enjoy the many benefits each of them have to offer. Today let’s talk about coconut milk. Coconut milk is a good source of calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc and iron. Coconuts are an…
Gazpacho Soup P3
Phase 3 Cool Soup Recipe 3 medium sized tomatoes 2 green onions 2 celery stalks 2 garlic cloves 2 tsp apple cider vinegar 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tsp parsley 3-4 drops liquid stevia Pinch of cumin Pinch Sea Salt and pepper Salt and fresh ground pepper to taste 1 grissini stickChop 2…
Nuts and Seeds
Question of the Week? What kind of Seeds and Nuts for Phase 3? This weeks VLOG Carol addresses all the benefits of adding nuts and seeds to your daily diet. When and how much is the key to getting optimal results without effecting the scale. Both seeds and nuts are rich in nutrients…
Choose Wisely – Dining out (Hamburgers)
From time to time we all enjoy going out for dinner and having a nice, juicy hamburger. This is a perfect dining out choice for P3 and of course for life! However, if you NEED to dine out, you can still do this, even on P2, if you choose wisely! For P2 this is not…
Take Along Your Own Stevia!
Question of the Week- Avoid sweeteners when dining out! What sweeteners you should NOT grab for when dining out Sugar – Refined sugar goes into the bloodstream and upsets the body’s blood-sugar balance, triggering the release of insulin. Insulin which the body uses to keep blood-sugar at a constant and safe level. Insulin also…
Choose Wisely – Cheese
Choose Wisely #15 Cheese. So many of us love cheese and can’t wait to introduce it back into our diets. First a word of caution – cheese can cause gains, so we suggest to introduce it slowly and in moderation. Try and stick to 1 oz when introducing. When choosing cheese, choose white over the yellow/orange variety…
Chicken Stuffed Baked Tomato Phase 2
Chicken Stuffed Baked Tomato-January Wasile 100 g cooked chicken (ground beef or steak can also be used) 1 lg tomato hollowed out (can slice in half as well) 1 melba toast crushed into crumbs (optional) 1 tsp minced garlic 1 tsp minced onion (powder may be substituted) cayenne pepper and salt to taste *To prepare…